Golden Feathers


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About Golden Feathers

Crafting Elegance from Waste

Golden Feathers is dedicated to creating inclusive opportunities for individuals, particularly those who have been historically marginalized. Our startup focuses on empowering tribal women in underprivileged regions by fostering sustainable development and enabling transformative livelihoods.By addressing various social and environmental challenges such as river water and land pollution, health hazards, food waste, and carbon footprint, we strive to make a meaningful impact on society. Our ultimate goal is to promote a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

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Your Destination for Sustainable Style

Golden Feathers is pioneering change in the textile industry with its innovative 6th natural fiber, crafted from up-cycled Butchery Chicken Waste.With a focus on generating significant Green Impact, Golden Feathers is dedicated to empowering individuals and advocating for a more sustainable world.

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